What Short-Form Video Can Do For Your Brand

There’s no ignoring it: short-form video is everywhere these days. 

A short-form video – a video that ranges between roughly 15 seconds to two minutes in length – is an engaging content medium that’s highly shareable and pulls back the curtain to give your audience a deeper look at the people and values driving your brand.

We live in a world of short attention spans. As of right now, social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts, Google, LinkedIn and Pinterest have expanded their short-form video offerings

According to a 2022 survey from Hubspot, more than half of marketers (51%) who use short-form video plan to increase their investment in 2022. That means your competitors are moving, and you need to move with them or risk getting left in the dust.

Let’s talk about what exactly makes short-form video so appealing. For starters, it has the highest ROI of any social media marketing strategy. 

So what can short-form video really do for your clients? Keep reading to find out!

Your audience is already there.

Good marketers know that you need to meet your audience where they’re at. With over 1 billion active monthly users, there’s no denying that a good portion of your audience is seeking out entertaining content on platforms like TikTok. This presents a huge opportunity for marketing teams to adapt popular memes and trends to align with their brand.

Research has shown that younger audiences like Millennials and Gen Z prefer shorter video content that is funny, trendy, and values-forward. If your product or service is intended for these younger audiences, you'll need to leverage short-form video platforms like TikTok, YouTube Shorts and Instagram Reels. 

Short videos are more shareable.

A 2020 study by Wyzowl reported that people share videos at twice the rate of other forms of content. More shares = more eyes on your brand.

Video content has a direct link to purchasing decisions.

That same survey by Wyzowl found that 84% of people were convinced to buy a product or service based on the brand’s video. 

Short-form video specifically ranks #1 for lead generation and engagement. A whopping 93% of marketing professionals have stated that they’ve landed a new customer thanks to a video posted on their brand’s social media platforms.

The ROI doesn’t lie: overall, 83% of businesses reported that video content was giving them a strong return on investment. And we all know the ultimate goal of marketing is to get more bang for your buck.

Short-form video gets your audience’s attention.

The explosion of social media has caused human attention spans to become shorter and shorter. Leverage short-form video gives you a leg up on your competition and helps engage your audience.

Short, bite-sized videos are great education tools.

One of the best things about short-form video is that it’s great for how-to, DIY, and explainer videos. A report from Wyzowl found that viewers want to see more of this video style from brands.

Short educational videos are effective because they help viewers in their daily lives.That means by making education a priority, brands can improve lead generation and build stronger brand loyalty.

Explainer videos are a great tool to convince buyers who are on the fence or in the decision-making stage to become customers because it shows them directly how your solution addresses their pain points. It’s a win-win!

Short-form video allows you to better connect with your audience.

Consumers seek out authenticity and transparency in brands. There’s no exact science to it, but consumers tend to feel more connected to brands that show the people behind the brand.

For example, a study by Sprout Social showed that 70% of consumers said they felt more connected to brands whose CEO is active on social media platforms. That means your brand can benefit from showing off a more human side and engaging your audience on a more personal level.

Short-form video is relatively cheap and easy to create.

Think about all the costs that go into a content shoot. You have your studio rental, props, influencers or model fees, photographer costs, editing costs, and more. A half day photoshoot for your brand can easily rack up a bill of $10,000 or more. 

To create short-form video for TikTok or Instagram Reels on the other hand, all you really need is a phone and a ring light and boom - you can start creating instantly. 

Want to learn how to create effective video content easier and faster? Book a free discovery call to learn more about how we can help your clients 10x their short-form video performance.

Kait Schmidek

As a website designer & self-proclaimed problem solver, I take the complicated out of bringing your website to life.


Case study: Creative Lab